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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Before the journey

Pam Skuse (photo care of mission mexico)
Not long before we leave for our little excursion to Mission Mexico.  We are joining the most amazing kids for 6 months of..... well whatever comes.  The orphanage is operated by Pam and Alan Skuse originally from Queensland's Sunny Coast.  Pam and Alan left their own family to stay in Tapachula to look after the kids.  They have given so much and we hope to be able to bless them in some small way while we are there as well as show love to kids who know what 'tough times' are really about.  We aren't sure what two young married peeps from Qld can offer, but we look forward to being used as God would want.    Want to know more about the Orphanage?  Check out the Mission Mex link above or Somewhere Near Tapachula - the documentary that lit the fire in our hearts.  Or for a shorter clip by Wade Goodall check out his 18min doco.  

So what do we leave behind in Qld?  We leave behind two Border Collie dogs, two chooks,  amazing families, friends, jobs and pretty much everything that we take for granted. 
Snapper Rocks Qld -Will I miss 200 people on one wave?  Nope. (photo: S logan)

But we take two lives and two very excited hearts both looking forward to what we will encounter, what joy we can bring and what hope we can share.  I think we are set to find a lot more than we leave behind.  
Occy (left) and Possum - Yes we will miss these fur kids!

So if you are interested to see what we get up to feel free to follow our little blog.  Depending on what computer system we encounter will obviously change the frequency of posts.  We look forward to sharing our trip with you.  

Adios, Love Steve and Petrina.

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