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Monday, February 7, 2011

Los niños de Misión México Albergue (The kids of Mission Mexico) - Part 3: The Medianas

Ruby (short for Rubita), 13.  Such a good little worker!  Her common line was ''Eh-Stiiiib'' (Translation: ''Steeeeve!'' - Latinos commonly have trouble prnouncing the English S and V, they are pronounced as 'ese' and 'b' in spanish, respectively - hence 'es-Stiiiib'!).  Very cute!

Maria Dos (Maria #2), 15.  Already a major cutie, she's going to break some hearts in the future

Petrina and Luis (pronounced ´Lew-ees'), 15.  A lovely boy who greeted you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek each day, no matter what.  But always making up excuses to go leave the house!  Bit of a free spirit, that one.

Francis, 15, was a real character (-:

Argelia (pronounced Ar-hel-ia), 14.  ''Jingle Balls, Jingle Balls...'' (instead of Jingle Bells) was what she was singing around the house one night - one of my all-time favourite English-language bloopers of the kids'! She made a great effort with her English though...a credit to her.
Sisters (left to right): Yesenia (16-ish), and Tere, 14.  Unfortunately we never got to know Yesenia in our official capacity as volunteers, as she ran away from the orphanage about a week before we arrived, and was still staying with friends when we left.  We hope she finishes her schooling.  Tere and Yesenia are also sisters to Ally, who we profiled in an earlier blog on the Chiquitos.

Javier (pronounced with an H), 14.  ''¿Para miiiii?'' (For meeee?) - this was what Javier would say anytime you were holding any object previously unidentified by himself...after all, it could be food, or money or something else cool....(-;  When you live in an orphanage with 60 brothers and sisters there's not much that you can say is truly 'yours', so you can't blame him for trying!

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